Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Experiment Begins

Maybe it's just the amphetamine salts that do it. Or maybe it's legitimate angst about the post grad world. Whatever the reason, I've been feeling a lot of conflicting emotions about the soon-to-come ending of my collegiate existence. All year I've vowed to write about my experiences, mainly as a mechanism for which to remember this time in my life. Prescient perhaps. Or trite. Doesn't really matter at this point since I haven't done it. But alas, by my count, this year's seniors will be spending roughly 50 more days at Wash.U. One more in March, 30 in April, 15 before graduation and probably a handful of days after. And so I figured we could all use this very 21st century medium to communicate our inner most thoughts--humorous, sad, analytical, sociological, it's all up to you. There are 50 days left and still lots to be said before we embark on the next phase. Wash.U. has sometimes been described as devoid of an ethos and factionalized. Hence, I've sought out people from varying schools, majors, and backgrounds to chime in on the impending ending to it all. It's your call on what to do next. Guidelines are virtually without limit. Use it as a place to converse about your time in the Lou, to mock elements of this institution and its constituents, and to generally banter about what's going to happen when these 50 days invariably come to a screeching halt. Use class, be clever, and blog away.

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